Tag: ECB

  • Parliament approves German ECB board candidate

    Von euractiv Germany
    The European Parliament approved today (16 January) Sabine Lautenschlarger for the vacant seat on the European Central Bank's board. The German candidate has called for regulation on the planned pan-European bank wind-up agency would come into force earlier than 2018, EurActiv Germany reports.
  • Why should Goldman's boy lead ECB ?

    Von Jürgen Klute (GFS News)
    By June, 23rd, a vast majority of MEPs will have made two important and contradictory decisions. Parliament will adopt a reform of the Stability and Growth Pact that will ensure that Member States that do not comply with EU goals for public debt reduction or structural reforms will face fines of around 0.1 % of GDP. Member States delivering misleading fiscal data will also be hit with heavy fines.