Simon Gronowski: 1943-2014 - experience from the "Train to Auschwitz"

Wednesday, 21 May 2014, European Parliament, Brussels

May 8th, 2014

This year is the 71st commemoration of the attack by three young men of the train to Auschwitz between Brussels and Leuven which led to the escape of 231 Jews (the German journalist Marion Schreiber wrote about it in her book "Silent Rebels").

The then eleven year old boy Simon Gronowski was one of those who could escape. He is now - in 2014 - the last person still living. He stayed in Belgium, became lawyer and jazz pianist. When he was interviewed recently, he mentioned his dream to have one day a jazz session with Woody Allen. A foundation got aware of this wish and arranged it: on 10 March, Simon Gronowski played in New York together with Woody Allen.

When I asked Simon Gronowski to share his experience with us (1943, the following years, his recent jazz concert...) he immediately agreed to join us in the European Parliament:

  • Wednesday, 21 May 2014, 18.30-20.00
  • Simon Gronowski: 1943-2014 - experience from the "Train to Auschwitz"
  • Yehudi Menuhin space, 1st floor of Paul Henri Spaak building; European Parliament, Brussels

To facilitate the organisation, please register via email: In case you do not have a valid access badge for the EP, please indicate as well your date of birth, nationality and ID or passport number - the EU security will then be able to prepare a badge for you which you can pick up on 21 May between 17.30 and 18.30 at the EP entrance Spinelli (towards Place Luxembourg).
Sincerely yours,

MEP Jürgen Klute