Joint Civil Society letter on the directive on basic payment accounts - Greek presidency must step up efforts!

March 8th, 2014
14 civil society organizations incl EUFFI, Solidar, AGE...

Today 6 March, 14 Civil Society Organisations working for the rights of vulnerable consumers across Europe, among them SOLIDAR, wrote a letter to the Greek Finance Minister who is currently holding the Presidency of the EU, demanding the prioritisation of the proposed Payment accounts directive to complete this dossier before the end of this legislative term of the European Parliament.

SOLIDAR actively supports the call for the right to access to a range of basic financial services. There are currently 58 million people in the EU who do not have access to a basic bank account which actively contributes to their financial exclusion from society.

If this directive contained provisions that ensure progress in achieving financial inclusion, it would contribute to the alleviation of poverty and social exclusion which is a scourge for the European Union. In 2010, all member states committed to lifting 20 million people out of poverty and social exclusion by 2020 but it is clear that we are far behind reaching this target, while the social situation in the EU keeps on deteriorating.

Please find the concrete demands regarding the Payment accounts directive in the letter:
