Olli Rehn: No teamplayer for European common interest

JÜRGEN KLUTE on the commissioner's first 100 days in office, published in THE PARLIAMENT

June 14th, 2010

Jürgen Klute Olli Rehn has been living a troubled and challenging 100 days in office. Contrary to rather optimistic commission expectations, the financial and economic crisis is creating ever new threats to our societies. In this crucial period, Rehn has missed a lot of chances. First, he did not admit EU co-responsibility for a recession that could only hit Europe so hard because of its long-lasting obsession on export and global competition.

Second, he did not dare confront the powerful member states, namely Germany, opposed every debate on macroeconomic failures in a deeply deflationary stability and growth pact that is simply not working. On the contrary, he preferred the easy and opportunist way, and criticised the weakest and most criticised of all member states, Greece.

This is especially scandalous for a politician representing the one institution that claims to defend the common European interest. If Rehn wants to safeguard the euro, he should fight against speculation and strictly regulate financial markets, instead of denying the poorest countries of the eurozone to work for a fast and sustainable recovery.

You can also read the article here[1]!


  1. http://www.theparliament.com/news-analysis/news-analysis-article/newsarticle/measuring-up/